THIS MONTH: Let There Be Light!

Defining Light
We all know light when we see it. But rarely do we think about how it’s made, how it moves, and how it makes color possible.

How Light Travels
The Fundamentals Let There Be Light! How Light Moves How Does Light Travel Through Space? Lesson 2: The Speed of Light What Moves Light Electromagnetic

Wave Dynamics
Waves are a thing in Nature. They have an anatomy and obey the rules of physics. And if you understand how they work, you can control them in every program you find them, including Photoshop.

Making Colors Pickable
Color pickers allow us to display that visible spectrum in a wide variety of ways, to make it easy for us to select the color we need with a minimum amount of effort.
Training Materials
Learn by doing. The tutorials provide you with exercises to sharpen your skills.

Study Guides
Test your knowledge with helpful study guides that teach you the finer points.

Make learning easy and fun!
When you need to learn something, you don’t want someone talking over your head. So my training philosophy is simple: Learning should be easy and fun! It’s my job to take the tough topics and make them easier to understand. That’s how I approach everything I teach. Because when you just get it, there’s nothing left to do but design.