


The Masking Guide

Masks & Selections

Layers are a part of all Adobe graphics applications. And they’ve been so successful that they’ve been adopted by graphics programs made by other software developers. To understand why layers matter, it’s important to understand how much Photoshop and Illustrator sucked without them. For a long time, Illustrator and Photoshop were Adobe’s only two programs. They were great at what they did, but the programs were extremely unforgiving. There was only one level of Undo. After that, anything you did was set in stone. 

Table of Contents

What You Will Learn:

The purpose of this guide is to help you understand how Layers make it possible for you to design without having to think about mistakes. Because they come in different flavors (type layers, shape layers, etc.), you’re able to concentrate on your design because any element you need to move independently will go on its own layer. This guide will focus on the different kinds of layers you can use, what they do, how they work, and how you can use them to build complex designs using stacks of layers.


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